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Cardboard Bicycle

Cardboard is no longer only used for building forts in your basement.

Izhar Gafni has engineered a cardboard bicycle called the Alfa from mostly cardboard and 100% recycled materials. The Alfa weighs 20lbs, but can sustain the weight of 485lbs, well hey now that’s a heck of a deal (said in Tommy Boy-Chris Farley voice). The cost is astonishing as well with each unit ranging from $9 – $12 and a mere $5 for children’s bikes. The pedal system is relatively maintenance free due to the unique belt-driven system Gafni created.

Gafni was initially told that his design goals were impossible. This didn’t deter his drive and after 3 years of design, numerous patents and focused determination he proved the naysayers wrong, BAM. This just goes to show that we have not hit the ceiling on innovation; if it can be imagined, it can be created. Gafni is currently working on raising funds to put the Alfa into production, so keep your sights on this project and get your hands on one as soon as they hit the streets.


Publish | 2econd Chance Clothing

cut, sew, stitch, reuse.

The imaginators at Publish bring the issue of WASTE to the design table.  Millions of pounds of textiles goes unused every year and Publish has created a clothing line by re-purposing these unwanted fabrics.  The project has been coined, “2econd Chance”, and this is just the beginning.  This effort goes beyond creating awareness in the clothier industry, but focuses on the bigger picture of creating a better community for tomorrow.  Change is dominated by small actions and we need to create ripples before generating waves.

The Publish team envisions and creates classic collections that “aspire to refine daily life by delivering premium, timeless products and ideas that transcend the realms of art and fashion”.  These are the eloquent words directly from Publish’s mission and direction statements, too well said to recreate.

Lets create a better “today for tomorrow”.

Read further and check out their collection at!


Publish | 2econd Chance Clothing

cut, sew, stitch, reuse.

The imaginators at Publish bring the issue of WASTE to the design table.  Millions of pounds of textiles goes unused every year and Publish has created a clothing line by re-purposing these unwanted fabrics.  The project has been coined, “2econd Chance”, and this is just the beginning.  This effort goes beyond creating awareness in the clothier industry, but focuses on the bigger picture of creating a better community for tomorrow.  Change is dominated by small actions and we need to create ripples before generating waves.

The Publish team envisions and creates classic collections that “aspire to refine daily life by delivering premium, timeless products and ideas that transcend the realms of art and fashion”.  These are the eloquent words directly from Publish’s mission and direction statements, too well said to recreate.

Lets create a better “today for tomorrow”.

Read further and check out their collection at!


Shwood | Experiment No. 2 – Backcountry Nest

Let the explorations continue with Shwood’s ‘”Expirement With Nature” projects. In the “Experiment No. 2 – Backcountry Nest” the Shwood team constructs a nest for people in the Oregon area to enjoy whenever they’re out Exploring. The nest’s underlining goal is to inspire creativity outside our structured lives. Shwood’s inspiration for exploration has not only helped them create their environmentally sustainable sunglasses brand, but continues to show people that there are great things right in your backyard; you just have to get out there and explore them.

Toro y Moi’s “Divina” illuminates the background of this innovative video, the Shwood team has their purpose as well as their music preference dialed in for this exploration project.

Take a look at the experiment below, and be sure to check out some rad/sustainable shades at

Find the Backcountry Nest and build on to what the Shwood Team has started.


Shwood | Experiment No. 2 – Backcountry Nest

Let the explorations continue with Shwood’s ‘”Expirement With Nature” projects. In the “Experiment No. 2 – Backcountry Nest” the Shwood team constructs a nest for people in the Oregon area to enjoy whenever they’re out Exploring. The nest’s underlining goal is to inspire creativity outside our structured lives. Shwood’s inspiration for exploration has not only helped them create their environmentally sustainable sunglasses brand, but continues to show people that there are great things right in your backyard; you just have to get out there and explore them.

Toro y Moi’s “Divina” illuminates the background of this innovative video, the Shwood team has their purpose as well as their music preference dialed in for this exploration project.

Take a look at the experiment below, and be sure to check out some rad/sustainable shades at

Find the Backcountry Nest and build on to what the Shwood Team has started.


180 Degrees South | Exploration Is Vital

If 180 Degrees South doesn’t make you want to strap on your boots and explore the outdoors then there may not be an ounce of adventure within you.  This film pushes human limits to the max in some of the most extreme conditions the world has to offer.  You’ll learn that the most simple things in life are the most important and rewarding – against what the mainstream media is telling you.

The main character in the film, Jeff Johnson, embodies the qualities and ambition of a man searching for his purpose on this earth.  Through his travel and tribulations, Jeff is able to fulfill his thirst for exploration and meets some great people along his journey.

Follow the team in 180 Degrees South to the peak of Patagonia and find the importance of doing everything possible within your life.  “It may be time to turnaround and take a step forward.”

180 Degrees South | Exploration Is Vital

If 180 Degrees South doesn’t make you want to strap on your boots and explore the outdoors then there may not be an ounce of adventure within you.  This film pushes human limits to the max in some of the most extreme conditions the world has to offer.  You’ll learn that the most simple things in life are the most important and rewarding – against what the mainstream media is telling you.

The main character in the film, Jeff Johnson, embodies the qualities and ambition of a man searching for his purpose on this earth.  Through his travel and tribulations, Jeff is able to fulfill his thirst for exploration and meets some great people along his journey.

Follow the team in 180 Degrees South to the peak of Patagonia and find the importance of doing everything possible within your life.  “It may be time to turnaround and take a step forward.”

Beautiful Losers | Art In Undesirable Places

Directed by Aaron Rose and Joshua Leonard, Beautiful Losers, Illustrates the DIY (Do It Yourself) movement that emerged in the 1990’s. Drawing inspiration from the aesthetics of graffiti, skateboarding and underground music, these innovative artists found passion in creating personal art from what society had deem “undesirable”.

The film conducts a series of interviews from now renowned artists: Thomas Campbell, Cheryl Dunn, Shepard Fairey, Harmony Korine, Geoff McFetridge, Barry McGee, Margaret Kilgallen, Mike Mills, Steven “Espo” Powers, Aaron Rose, Ed Templeton and Deanna Templeton. These artists tell their story outside the realm of contemporary art and discuss the progression of the counter culture movement.


Beautiful Losers | Art In Undesirable Places

Directed by Aaron Rose and Joshua Leonard, Beautiful Losers, Illustrates the DIY (Do It Yourself) movement that emerged in the 1990’s. Drawing inspiration from the aesthetics of graffiti, skateboarding and underground music, these innovative artists found passion in creating personal art from what society had deem “undesirable”.

The film conducts a series of interviews from now renowned artists: Thomas Campbell, Cheryl Dunn, Shepard Fairey, Harmony Korine, Geoff McFetridge, Barry McGee, Margaret Kilgallen, Mike Mills, Steven “Espo” Powers, Aaron Rose, Ed Templeton and Deanna Templeton. These artists tell their story outside the realm of contemporary art and discuss the progression of the counter culture movement.


NYC Salt | Philanthropic Photography

NYC Salt is a photography non-profit organization created by Alicia Hansen that teaches photography to NYC inner city teens. The program aims to keep kids off the streets and provide them with valuable tools to succeed in life. The students of NYC Salt are exposed to high degrees of the creative imagination with a practical application of photography. Alicia and team have created an environment that engages, inspires, and empowers NYC’s youth.

Alicia has put her unique skillset to use, now what could you do to create a better tomorrow?