Tag Archives: Lower Your Energy Bill

The White Roof Project | Paint = Environmental Change

White is the new COOL color.  The White Roof Project is making it cool by using white paint to help make systematic and environmental change happen one roof at a time.

The White Roof Project paints the roofs of buildings using a reflective paint to help combat global energy issues.  The white paint reflects up to 85% of sunlight and helps people save money on electric bills, reduce smog, and relive stress on power grids.  They also partner with various nonprofits, community groups, and housing associations on a block-by-block mission in an effort to coat 5 percent of all roofs each year.

The originators of this project have done their research and by painting “5 percent of rooftops per year worldwide, we would be finished by 2030. This would save us 24 billion metric tons in CO2.”  This level of salvage of CO2 would be equivalent to all emitted in 2010, thus similar to “turning the world off for an entire year.”

Check out their Paint the Town White event held in New York City on October 19th.  Open bar from 7:00-10:00 (BAM) if you fancy.  Find out more about this event and all the initiatives the White Roof Project is apart of to help reduce CO2 emissions at www.whiteroofproject.org.

Conserve fossil fuel based resources.  Reduce your carbon footprint.  Help to save the ecosystem that we all play in.

The White Roof Project | Paint = Environmental Change

White is the new COOL color.  The White Roof Project is making it cool by using white paint to help make systematic and environmental change happen one roof at a time.

The White Roof Project paints the roofs of buildings using a reflective paint to help combat global energy issues.  The white paint reflects up to 85% of sunlight and helps people save money on electric bills, reduce smog, and relive stress on power grids.  They also partner with various nonprofits, community groups, and housing associations on a block-by-block mission in an effort to coat 5 percent of all roofs each year.

The originators of this project have done their research and by painting “5 percent of rooftops per year worldwide, we would be finished by 2030. This would save us 24 billion metric tons in CO2.”  This level of salvage of CO2 would be equivalent to all emitted in 2010, thus similar to “turning the world off for an entire year.”

Check out their Paint the Town White event held in New York City on October 19th.  Open bar from 7:00-10:00 (BAM) if you fancy.  Find out more about this event and all the initiatives the White Roof Project is apart of to help reduce CO2 emissions at www.whiteroofproject.org.

Conserve fossil fuel based resources.  Reduce your carbon footprint.  Help to save the ecosystem that we all play in.